My best friend of the last 12 years has come to pass on this mid-May afternoon. Boris, my Doberman Pinscher, has now joined our creator in the heaven above, and did so peacefully. I could not have wished for a more perfect situation for the most loyal friend I’ve ever known.

Just as he lived, and even to the hour of his death, Boris was strong, stubborn, knowledgable and fearless about dying. He was perfectly content and absolutely happy all the way till the end.

The photo pictured here was the last I took of Boris, only about an hour before he came to pass, overlooking our garden that he was part of the inspiration for.

His inscription on his grave will read as follows:

“On this day, 15May2012, my beloved friend and faithful companion, Boris, hours before he would come to pass, gazed upon this garden that he is now apart of.”

See you on the other side Old Man