LEXINGTON, Ky. (August 2, 2022) – Lexington, Kentucky’s Mayor Linda Gorton, Councilman James Brown, VisitLEX and the Department of Kentucky Tourism are hosting a press conference on Wednesday, August 3 at 10am ET at the Lyric Theatre & Cultural Arts Center to formally announce the extension of the WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour’s residence at the historic theatre in Lexington through December 30, 2028. They will also discuss WoodSongs global partnership with Kentucky Tourism, and the formation of the WoodSongs’ Flood Relief Effort.
For details visit WoodSongs.com/PRESS
WHO: Mayor Linda Gorton, Councilman James Brown, folksinger Michael Johnathon
WHAT: Press & media conference
WHEN: Wednesday, August 3 at 10:00am ET
WHERE: Lyric Theatre & Cultural Arts Center (300 E 3rd Street, Lexington, KY 40508)
WHY: To formally announce the extension of WoodSongs residence at Lyric Theatre, the Global Partnership with Kentucky Tourism, & formation of the WoodSongs’ Flood Relief Effort
About WoodSongs:
WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour is an all volunteer, live audience celebration of grassroots, bluegrass, country and folk music and the artists who make it. Produced 44 Mondays per year from the historic Lyric Theatre in Lexington, Kentucky the show airs worldwide on 537 radio stations from Australia to Ireland and across the United States. It also airs on American Forces Radio Network twice each weekend in 177 nations, every military base and US Naval ship around the world. It is broadcast into millions of homes as a public television series on KET in Kentucky and PBS stations coast-to-coast, nationwide every Friday on RFD-TV, America’s Most Important Rural Network.
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