HONOR our nation’s fallen heroes, HEAL the unseen wounds of war for both our surviving families and veterans, CONNECT surviving family members & veterans with the civilian community
Featuring an all veteran songwriters round with Adam Warner, Brei Carter and Mark Addison Chandler
Executive Director & Blue-Star Mother Amy Cotta talks MOH mission and 5K on WSMV’s “Today In Nashville” [click to watch]
PHOTO GALLERY: 2021 Honor The Fallen 5K for media [view/download here]
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 17, 2022) – Memories of Honor, a 501c3 nonprofit based in Nashville is gearing up for the 7th annual Honor the Fallen 5K, set for this Saturday, May 21 at The Grove in College Grove, Tennessee.
More than “just another” 5K, the HTF5K is a family-friendly, pet-friendly community event where friends of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities join in unity to show their love and support to our families of our Nation’s fallen heroes. And also to pay their respects to our military members and first responders, both past and present.
“We believe our fallen service members and their families deserve to be honored and remembered not just on Memorial Day, but every day,” said Amy Cotta, founder of Memories of Honor. “Our mission is to make every day Memorial Day by creating living, breathing memorials so no life loss as a result of serving our country goes forgotten.”
In addition to the 5K race, the food and the fun, HTF5K will also feature a very special all-veteran songwriters round with three Nashville-based up-and-coming singer-songwriters and recording artists. Country recording artist & Marine veteran Adam Warner, country singer-songwriter & Army veteran Brei Carter, and country singer-songwriter & combat Army veteran Mark Addison Chandler will join onstage post-race to share their stories in song and conversation.
7:00am – Race attendee packet-pickup opens
8:50am – Staff announcements
8:55am – Color Guard & National Anthem (sung by Brei Carter)
9:00am – HTF5K race start
10:00am – HTF5K awards
10:15am – Passing of The Flag Ceremony
10:20am – Memorial Mile start
10:30am – Food Service begins
10:30am – Songwriters round begins (featuring Adam Warner, Brei Carter & Mark Addison Chandler)
To register or for the complete event schedule, visit HonorTheFallen5k.com.
About Memories of Honor:
Memories of Honor is a national 501c3 nonprofit based in Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to make EVERY DAY Memorial Day. We use athletics, entertainment, special events, and social media campaigns to create living breathing memorials so that no loss of life in or due to military service is forgotten. MOH also produces other athletics events which honor military and veterans such as the Bataan Challenge, Social Distancing Challenge, Boots For Troops, 101 Heroes Ride, and others. Visit memoriesofhonor.org to learn more or to become involved.
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[HTF5K featuring Adam Warner, Brei Carter & Mark Addison Chandler | Download PNG]

[2022 HTF5K Course Map | Download PNG ]